We care about our strong partnerships

By partnering with charitable organisations, we want to make the world a little better. We therefore support:

ONCE: a Spanish organisation for the visually impaired helps blind or visually impaired people to live independent lives. Its mission includes creating jobs, offering scholarships and building hospitals, schools and specially equipped sports and recreational facilities. In 2012, ONCE entered into a partnership with our subsidiary ZEAL Iberia which has since been responsible for managing the digital distribution channel.[1]

‘Deutsche Fernsehlotterie’: in 2016, we were the first German lottery broker to include this charity lottery in our product range – thus supporting further social projects.

‘Das Grüne Glück’: a lotto club that supports the planting of trees in developing countries. With the aid of our project partner Eden Reforestation Project, more than 209,000 trees were planted by the local population in 2021 – and over 437,000 trees have been planted in total so far – thus actively combating climate change while also helping the local population.[2]

‘Freiheit+’: the charity lottery we developed ourselves has awarded over €7 million to 157 education projects around the world since March 2020. This money is used, among other things, to sponsor projects of the lottery’s three initiators ‘Stifterverband’[3], SOS Children’s Villages Worldwide[4] and the ‘German Children and Youth Foundation – DKJS’[5]. Support has been given, for example, to ‘Vincentino e. V.’[6] founded by Sandra Maischberger and ‘coach@school e. V.’ [7] whose patron is Cornelia Funke.

As the operator of the ‘freiheit+’ lottery, BildungsChancen gGmbH[8] reacted in the early days of the pandemic by awarding 24 amounts of €1,000 in immediate aid for educational projects. We have provided support for important projects such as the child shelters ‘Mattisburgen’[9] sponsored by Ein Platz für Kinder gGmbH. Up to 10% of all funds currently generated by the lottery are earmarked for education-related corona aid. These funds, for example, helped Acker e. V. (formerly Ackerdemia)[10] to offer families interesting and useful employment possibilities during lockdown in the form of a farming programme. The aim here is to increase society’s appreciation of nature and food and to strengthen healthy and sustainable consumption.

[1] https://www.once.es/otras-webs/english
[2] https://www.edenprojects.org/
[3] https://stifterverband.org/ueber-uns
[4] https://www.sos-kinderdoerfer.de/
[5] https://www.dkjs.de/
[6] http://vincentino.org/
[7] https://www.coachatschool.org/
[8] https://www.bildungschancen.de/
[9] https://epfk.org/vorwort/
[10] https://www.unesco.de/bildung/bne-akteure/acker-ev